
September 28, 2024: VSU Closure Due to Severe Weather

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  • Performance-Based Leadership - Tier II - Certification Only

Performance-Based Leadership - Tier II - Certification Only

  • 总学时: 27
  • 度的格式: 在线


The Certification-Only Performance Based Leadership program is a comprehensive program of study including course work and related clinical experiences leading to a Tier II Georgia certificate in Educational Leadership.  Candidates participating in the certification-only program may add Tier II educational 领导 certification to an existing Level 6 Georgia certificate by completing the elements of this program. Through the combination of course work and performance-based activities, candidates will develop the necessary competencies to become an educational leader. 

The Valdosta State Difference

The candidate is expected to complete significant and varied administrative responsibilities under the guidance of the Candidate Support Team (CST) consisting of the candidate, a 领导 mentor, and the VSU 领导 advisor.  The goal is to develop one’s 领导 and management abilities by engaging in problem analysis, collecting relevant data, collaborative problem-solving, participating in curricular and instructional activities, and participating in instructional supervision.  Candidates undertake activities addressing curriculum development, student and program evaluation, 员工的发展, 调度, interpretation and use of statistical data for school improvement planning, budgeting procedures, school/community relations, facility maintenance and operations, and the uses of technology for administrative and instructional purposes.


The Educational Leadership program is designed to provide future leaders:

  1. An opportunity to acquire practical experience in school 领导
  2. A linkage of theory and practice
  3. An integrated experience in problem resolution and decision-making as well as other aspects of educational 领导
  4. The environment to experiment with new ideas, 方法, and strategies in a low-risk, supportive environment
  5. A basis for assessing professional strengths and needs for further development

Cost and Length of Program

The prescribed Certification-Only course sequence allows students to transfer of existing specialist or doctoral work (as appropriate) and complete the course requirements of the program within 3 semesters.  The cost of the 18 hours of field-based work is $6,500*. 

(*Cost computed based on Fall 2016 rates.) 


Area A: Specialist/Doctoral Level Leadership Courses - 12 hours

The faculty advisor will collaborate with the candidate and school system partners to evaluate graduate course work to identify appropriate courses for transfer or enrollment.

Area B: Performance-Based Activities - 18 hours

Performance-based activities must be conducted at either the building or system level. 

课程数量 & Title 学分
LEAD 8920 Leadership Performance-Based Activities I 6
LEAD 8930 Leadership Performance-Based Activities II 6
LEAD 8940 Leadership Performance-Based Activities III 6
  • 229.333.5633
  • 229.259.5094
  • Curriculum, Leadership, and Technology Building
    1310 N. 帕特森圣.