The bet365亚洲官网 国际项目中心 offers many inexpensive and hassle-free opportunities for students to travel and study overseas. You may want to spend a summer abroad on a bet365亚洲官网 or University System of Georgia program. Or, you may wish to participate in our semester or year-long exchange programs. You can find information in our library on study abroad programs, 金融援助, 大学的描述, 在国外工作, 国际实习, 在国外做志愿者, 国外的教学, 国际职业, 和更多的.

无论你选择什么, our office is here to help you research your options and then coordinate your overseas experience. 如果你选择了bet365亚洲官网的暑期项目, the program director will assist you with pre-departure preparations and coordinate your experience. 如果你选择CIP交换项目, 我们会处理注册事宜, 住房和膳食计划安排. 在你离开之前, there will be an orientation workshop in which you will learn about international travel, 文化冲击, 跨文化交际, 学术差异, and other bits of information that will help prepare you for an experience abroad.


1. 明确你的目标. 你最终选择的课程将由你自己决定, 个人留学目标. The following questions are designed to help you define your 目标 (There are no "right" or "wrong" answers):

    • 你为什么想出国?
    • 你想去哪里? 为什么?
    • 出国留学如何适应你的学术计划?
    • 你修完核心课程了吗?
    • 你想用外语学习吗?
    • Are you proficient enough in a second language to take coursework taught in that language?
    • 你需要进一步学习外语吗?
    • 你准备好接受何种程度的文化沉浸了?
    • Do you want to attend classes with students from the host country, or with other Americans?
    • 你想要按美国模式上课吗, 或者另一种模式,可能需要更多的独立工作?
    • 你想什么时候去?
    • 您想住多久?
    • 你的父母支持你吗??

2. Meet with the Assistant Director of the 国际项目中心 (CIP). 在这次谈话中, 你会分享一些关于你自己的信息:你的背景, 利益, 目标, 工作经验, 等. You will learn about various study abroad options and start making decisions about where you want to study, 你想在国外呆多久, 以及你想学哪种语言. 基于这些决定,你将缩小你的选择范围. 面试结束后,填写一份表格 学生资料表 然后把它还给秘书. 你可能想拿起我们的 给家长的信.

3. 与你的学术顾问见面. Selecting a study abroad program is an important academic decision. Consult with your academic advisor and department head about your interest in studying abroad. Be aware that your department must approve your study abroad program in order for you to receive credit. Discuss with your adviser how overseas study will fit in your curriculum and how it may benefit you after you graduate.

4. 带着出国留学的选择回到CIP. 与副局长讨论这个决定.

  • If you want to apply to a non-bet365亚洲官网 program, consult with the Assistant Director.
  • If you desire to participate in a bet365亚洲官网 exchange, go to the next step.
  • If you are a non-bet365亚洲官网 student and wish to participate in one of bet365亚洲官网's study abroad programs (summer or exchange), 你必须成为弗吉尼亚州立大学的临时学生. 点击这里查看更详细的说明.

5. 申请你选择的课程. 完整的 交换应用程序 并在截止日期前提交给CIP. 春季学期截止日期:10月1日. 秋季学期截止日期:4月1日.

6. 获得学术认可. 如果被接受,拿起一个 课程批准表格. 审查主办机构的课程设置, 谘询助理署长, then take 课程批准表格 to department head and dean for review and approval. You will need a copy of course descriptions to show to your department.

7. 准备出发. The Assistant Director will work with you to make preparations for the exchange experience. There will be an orientation session before you depart that will cover issues such as international travel, 文化冲击, 跨文化交际, 以及学术差异.

8. Pay the mandatory CISI 出国留学 Insurance and Application Fee by clicking on the button below:

Pay your mandatory CISI 出国留学 Insurance and Application Fee by clicking this button


夏季和非vsu课程都有不同的要求. 请参阅节目资料. You should be at least in your junior year when you travel abroad on an EXCHANGE. 你的平均绩点至少要达到2分.5 for Belize, Palacky, Roehampton, Sunderland, Syktyvkar, Yangzhou, Yucatan, or Newcastle; 2.75 for ISEP; or 3.关西Gaidai 0分. GPA是一项要求,但不是被录取的保证. Faculty references and personal essays will be weighed along with transcripts when evaluating applicants. The most competitive applications will include a convincing argument for the academic merits of the program you have chosen, a clear indication of how the program will complement or add a new dimension to your academic experience, 高GPA, 支持教师评估.


For bet365亚洲官网 summer programs, check with the appropriate director for details on program costs. 如果你参加一个学期或一年的bet365亚洲官网交换, 你将被收取bet365亚洲官网学费(全日制), 宿舍的费用, and meal plan fees; this will cover instruction, 房间, 并在海外机构住宿. There are some exceptions; for example, at Roehampton and Sunderland you will pay 房间 and board at the host university.. You will be responsible for airfare and personal expenses for all programs.. 对于ISEP项目, there is a $350 application fee and you must purchase an insurance policy for about $45 per month.

如果你发现一个你感兴趣的非州立大学的项目, call or write the listed contact person to receive more information about costs and then meet with Assistant Director.

Financial aid can be applied to approved study abroad programs (see 经济援助学生须知). Check with the 金融援助 Office to find out how your aid package will help pay for program costs. 如果你将获得经济援助, fill out a Consortium Agreement Form (available at the CIP and the 金融援助 Office) and submit it to the 金融援助 Office. Be sure to inform the Assistant Director that you are receiving 金融援助.


If you participate in bet365亚洲官网 summer or exchange programs, you will be registered for bet365亚洲官网 courses. 对于交换项目, you will fill out a course approval form in which your department(s) will designate bet365亚洲官网 equivalents for the courses you take abroad. 在此表格由部门主管签署后, 院长和CIP助理主任, 你在国外的工作将会得到认可. CIP将在您交换期间为您注册.

If you wish to participate in a program offered by another accredited institution in the U.S. (或隶属于认证机构的项目), you will have to register there as a transient or transfer student, 然后把学分转到弗吉尼亚州立大学. Consult with your academic department(s) and the CIP to find out if you will be able to get full credit for your work.

If you find a program that is not affiliated with an accredited institution, consult with the CIP to find out if you will be able to transfer your credits